Step Into Leadership Quiz

Our leadership quiz encourages you to reflect on leadership in Scotland’s social services and how it relates to you and others. Try it yourself or with some colleagues. Click on an option to answer each question.

1. Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels. This means that...

Everyone in Scotland’s social services should be encouraged and empowered to develop and use appropriate leadership skills and capability.    

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Not correct.
Leadership at all levels means that everyone should be empowered to use leadership skills appropriate to their own role.

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2. Citizen leadership happens when...

All of these statements describe aspects of citizen leadership.

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Partly correct.
All of these statements describe aspects of citizen leadership.

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3. True or false? Leadership is a trait you are born with, not something you can learn.

We can all develop and improve our leadership skills and capability.

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Not correct.
We can all develop and improve our leadership skills and capability.

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5. “Leadership at all levels” is sometimes described as...

Leadership is dispersed throughout an organisation and people have more or less dispersed leadership depending on their role, responsibilities and leadership capacity. The vision for leadership in Scotland’s social services is based on a model of dispersed leadership where leadership is developed at all levels of the workforce, with citizen leadership as an integral part of this vision.

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Not correct.
This is a type of leadership where the leader tends to control what happens and does not involve others. The vision for leadership in Scotland’s social services is based on a model of dispersed leadership where leadership is developed at all levels of the workforce, with citizen leadership as an integral part of this vision.

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Not correct.
This is a very structured type of leadership where staff must follow procedures exactly and there is little room for flexibility. The vision for leadership in Scotland’s social services is based on a model of dispersed leadership where leadership is developed at all levels of the workforce, with citizen leadership as an integral part of this vision.

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Not correct.
This is more a way of managing than a type of leadership as the focus is on short-term tasks and team members following the leader’s instructions. The vision for leadership in Scotland’s social services is based on a model of dispersed leadership where leadership is developed at all levels of the workforce, with citizen leadership as an integral part of this vision.

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6. Which statement is correct?

Some of the personal capabilities of the Continuous Learning Framework (e.g. Motivating and leading others) will help you to develop your leadership capability, as will the six new leadership capabilities in Step into Leadership.

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Not correct.
Some of the personal capabilities of the Continuous Learning Framework (e.g. Motivating and leading others) will help you to develop your leadership capability, as will the six new leadership capabilities in Step into Leadership.

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7. True or false? Leadership development requires a whole systems approach which includes both self and organisational development.

Development activity must address real issues and problems and therefore the leadership development of individuals must be aligned to the development of the organisation.

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Not correct.
Developing the leadership capability of individuals is of little use if the organisation is not ready and able to use it.

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8. Effective collaborative leadership relies on...

Collaborative leadership mirrors other aspects of partnership working. It needs perseverance and commitment. But it also needs people with the ability to build relationships and to value difference.

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Partly correct.
Effective collaborative leadership relies on all of these factors.

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9. True or false? Organisational cultures that support the development of leadership at all levels will encourage creativity, innovation and measured risk-taking.

Effective organisations will develop cultures that ensure consistent commitment to developing leadership capacity, including capacity to accept risks and confidence to be creative and innovative in managing these.


Not correct.
Now, more than ever, effective leadership is needed at every level. Creativity and innovation are needed as social services undergo radical change. In these circumstances management cultures often become more rather than less controlling. Autonomy must be encouraged and staff supported to be innovative and take measured risks.

10. True or false? You have a vital leadership role to play in developing Scotland’s social services and improving outcomes for people who use services.

Whether you work in or receive a social service in Scotland, you have an important role to play in improving outcomes for people who use services. Developing your leadership capability will help you feel empowered and confident in contributing to this.


Not correct.
Whether you work in or receive a social service in Scotland, you have an important role to play in improving outcomes for people who use services. Developing your leadership capability will help you feel empowered and confident in contributing to this.


Well done!
We hope that has provided some food for thought and makes you want to find out more about how you can develop your own, and our organisation’s, leadership capability. Step into Leadership has been developed to help you with this. Start by exploring the pathway in Step into Leadership that most fits your current role or aspirations.
