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Here you will find resources and tools to support you with mentoring in your organisation. Mentoring can be an effective way of:

  • supporting individuals to embark on the kind of self-directed learning used in Step into Leadership
  • improving an individual's leadership skills
  • providing opportunities for reflection and development.

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and partners have produced guidance which can be used by employers, managers and staff who work in social services to develop and support mentoring in the workplace.

We are working in partnership with colleagues from other sectors to look at ways of developing mentoring across public services. If you are involved in a mentoring network as a mentor or mentee, we would like to hear your experiences and practice examples. Please email [email protected].


Mentoring resources


Mentoring web resources

  • Coaching and Mentoring The NHS Education for Scotland website helps you to access information, resources and support on coaching and mentoring, including finding an internal or external coach or mentor to support your development, and/or signing up as a coach or mentor to offer your services to others.
  • The European Mentoring and Coaching Council The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) exists to develop, promote and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe and beyond. EMCC is a recognised brand in mentoring and regulates and accredits mentors and mentoring programmes.
  • The Scottish Mentoring Network The Scottish Mentoring Network provides information and advice on running effective mentoring projects in Scotland. Their extensive library provides free resources to support a range of mentoring approaches.
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development have produced a range of free and easily accessible resources to support a range of mentoring approaches.

Examples from Practice

"Off-line help from one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking."

Meggison and Clutterbuck, 1995

"A mentor in Childhood Practice successfully develops a professional and challenging relationship to empower their mentee to enhance knowledge, skills and abilities enabling them, irrespective of their workplace, to be confident and effective contributors within the sector."

The Coalition of Umbrella Organisations, cited in Guidance for Mentoring in Childhood Practice, 2010


Leadership Capability Indicators
Continuous Learning Framework (CLF)
learning log
360degree tool