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Share your experienceLeadership learning pathway for frontline workers in Scotland’s social services.
The vision for leadership at all levels within social services means that everyone has a leadership role to play. As a frontline worker, your leadership skills can make a real difference to the service you deliver, and the outcomes people who use your service achieve. There are many ways you might show leadership at the front line. For example:
Read the strategy Enhancing leadership capability: The strategy for enhancing the leadership capability of Scotland’s social services: Delivery plan 2017-2020. You can find out more about what good leadership looks like in Scotland’s social services by reading the Enabling leadership research and the leadership logic model which shows how good leadership contributes to positive outcomes.
This leadership learning pathway will help you find tools and resources relevant to your work in frontline practice. Please use this resource flexibly and make it work for you. For example, if you aim to be a manager, you may also wish to explore the leadership pathway for managers.
Before getting started, take some time to think about what you want to achieve by developing your leadership skills and how you would like to develop as a leader. We've provided some questions to help you plan your pathway.
The six leadership capabilities in the boxes below show the different elements that make up effective leadership in social services. Find a range of learning resources to develop your skills and use the learning log to capture your learning.
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