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In your every day work you will have opportunities to empower the people who use your service and their carers to achieve their best possible outcomes. You also have a role to play in empowering colleagues in your own team or partner organisations, as you work together to improve outcomes.

Empowering others may involve:

  • Listening to, valuing and acting on the expertise and contributions from people who use your service
  • Promoting the principles of citizen leadership
  • Ensuring everyone feels valued for their contributions
  • Sharing information and promoting effective knowledge management
  • Modelling positive leadership behaviours that support leadership at all levels.

Empowering Resources

Examples from Practice

What Others Say

Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough Teams Do

"Empowerment is something someone gives you, self leadership is what you do to make it work."

Blanchard. K (2006) Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, London, Harper Collins

Leadership Capability Indicators
learning log
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