Leadership learning pathway for corporate and strategic leaders in Scotland’s social services.
Working at a senior level, others will look to you for leadership and direction. Continually improving and developing your own leadership skills and capability is necessary to meet the demands of leadership within an ever more complex environment.
Contributing to the strategic direction of your organisation, you have a responsibility to ensure that the organisation’s vision promotes a strong value base, and that the organisation as a whole strives to deliver better outcomes.
Read Enhancing leadership capability: The strategy for enhancing the leadership capability of Scotland’s social services: Delivery plan 2017-2020
You can find out more about what good leadership looks like in Scotland’s social services by reading the Enabling leadership research.
Read the strategy Enhancing leadership capability: The strategy for enhancing the leadership capability of Scotland’s social services: Delivery plan 2017-2020. You can find out more about what good leadership looks like in Scotland’s social services by reading the Enabling leadership research and the leadership logic model which shows how good leadership contributes to positive outcomes.
You might want to think about how you want or need to develop as a leader. We’ve provided some tools to help you plan your pathway.
The six leadership capabilities in the boxes below show the different elements that make up effective leadership in social services. Find a range of learning resources to develop your skills.
Explore the organisational capabilities to find out more about developing an organisational culture that supports leadership at all levels.
A programme of leadership learning offered by NES, the RCGP in Scotland and the SSSC. Read more about ‘You as a collaborative leader’ and ‘Collaborative leadership in practice.'
We have developed a framework to support middle managers with their leadership learning.